Story and Art planned under the cooperation
of STORY R&D team and ART R&D team.
Direction set with matchless
producing system.
Story and Art planned under the cooperation of STORY R&D team and ART R&D team. Direction set with matchless producing system.
Differentiated webtoon development
by maximizing the webtoon’s identity,
through the producer’s consistent
feedbacks and revisions.
Differentiated webtoon development by maximizing the webtoon’s identity, through the producer’s consistent feedbacks and revisions.
Webtoons of significant quality
created through sketching, penning and
coloring stages, all based on solid
scenarios and continuities.
Webtoons of significant quality created through sketching, penning and coloring stages, all based on solid scenarios and continuities.
Active distribution on Korea’s best
and overseas platforms,
drawing readers in.
Strategic seasonal
publishing, appropriate for story flows.
Active distribution on Korea’s best platforms and overseas platforms, drawing readers in. Strategic seasonal publishing, appropriate for story flows.